Laser Scanning General Cargo Vessel 23127 t engine room for BWTS retrofit
BWTS Laser scanning for retrofit on Large Container Vessel Vessel 128653 t
Engine & Pump Room laser scanning for BTWS Retrofit of Oil/Chemical Tanker vessel 6044t
Laser scanning inside ballast tanks and other enclosed environments
Marine Laser Scanning Engine Room General Cargo Vessel 6801 t for BWTS for Retrofit - Europe
Marine laser scanning for BWTS (Ballast water treatment system) - Bulk Carrier Ship 81398 t retrofit
Laser scanning engine room and BWTS General cargo vessel 4950 t for retrofit
BWTS Laser scanning Engine room & pump room. General cargo vessel 28236 t
Laser scanning of air conditioning and ventilation installations - Scan to BIM
Engine Room 3D laser scanning 83961 t Large GNL tanker for BWTS retrofit
Procedure for Naval 3D Laser scanning and survey - Ballast water treatment systems (BWTS)
3D Marine Laser Scanning of Engine Room for Bulk Carrier 21461 t vessel for BWTS
Marine Laser scanning engine room and BWTS General cargo vessel 7300 t
Marine laser scanning Engine Room & BWTS General Cargo Vessel 6090 t
3D Laser scanning large Crude Oil Tanker pump room for retrofit
3D Laser scanning container vessel 9200 t: Engine Room and BWTS (Ballast Water Treatment System)
Laser scanning Engine room & BWTS container vessel 34496 t
LNG tanker Engine room & BWTS Laser scanning 77803 t
Engine room & BWTS Laser scanning Large Bulk Carrier 81354 t
3D Laser Scanning Engine Room for BWTS Retrofit - Container ship 18860 t